Lineage Graph


Welcome to the auto-generated documentation for your dbt project!

You can use the Project and Database navigation tabs on the left side of the window to explore the models in your project.

Project Tab

The Project tab mirrors the directory structure of your dbt project. In this tab, you can see all of the models defined in your dbt project, as well as models imported from dbt packages.

Database Tab

The Database tab also exposes your models, but in a format that looks more like a database explorer. This view shows relations (tables and views) grouped into database schemas. Note that ephemeral models are not shown in this interface, as they do not exist in the database.

Graph Exploration

You can click the blue icon on the bottom-right corner of the page to view the lineage graph of your models.

On model pages, you'll see the immediate parents and children of the model you're exploring. By clicking the Expand button at the top-right of this lineage pane, you'll be able to see all of the models that are used to build, or are built from, the model you're exploring.

Once expanded, you'll be able to use the --select and --exclude model selection syntax to filter the models in the graph. For more information on model selection, check out the dbt docs.

Note that you can also right-click on models to interactively filter and explore the graph.

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264 search results

stg_asana__tag model

Table of the custom tags made in the organization

columns: tag_id, tag_id columns: tag_name, tag_name columns: created_at, created_at Show 0 more
{{ config(enabled=var('asana__using_tags', True)) }} with base as ( select * from {{ ref('stg_asana__tag_tmp') }} ), fields as ( select {{ fivetran_utils.fill_staging_columns( source_columns=adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('stg_asana__tag_tmp')), staging_columns=get_tag_columns() ) }} from base ), final as ( select id as tag_id, name as tag_name, cast(created_at as {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }}) as created_at from fields where not _fivetran_deleted ) select * from final

stg_asana__story_tmp model

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced columns: created_at, created_at Show 7 more
select * from {{ var('story') }}

stg_asana__story model

Table containing all stories -- stories are actions taken on tasks

columns: story_id, story_id columns: created_at, created_at columns: created_by_user_id, created_by_user_id Show 3 more
with base as ( select * from {{ ref('stg_asana__story_tmp') }} ), fields as ( select {{ fivetran_utils.fill_staging_columns( source_columns=adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('stg_asana__story_tmp')), staging_columns=get_story_columns() ) }} from base ), final as ( select id as story_id, cast(created_at as {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }}) as created_at, created_by_id as created_by_user_id, target_id as target_task_id, text as story_content, type as event_type from fields ) select * from final

stg_asana__section_tmp model

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced columns: created_at, created_at Show 2 more
select * from {{ var('section') }}

stg_asana__section model

Table of all sections within projects. If tasks in a project are not in an explicit user-made section, a default section called "(no section)" is created here

columns: section_id, section_id columns: created_at, created_at columns: section_name, section_name Show 1 more
with base as ( select * from {{ ref('stg_asana__section_tmp') }} ), fields as ( select {{ fivetran_utils.fill_staging_columns( source_columns=adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('stg_asana__section_tmp')), staging_columns=get_section_columns() ) }} from base ), final as ( select id as section_id, cast(created_at as {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }}) as created_at, name as section_name, project_id from fields ) select * from final

stg_asana__project_tmp model

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_deleted, _fivetran_deleted columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 12 more
select * from {{ var('project') }}

stg_asana__project_task_tmp model

columns: project_id, project_id columns: task_id, task_id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 0 more
select * from {{ var('project_task') }}

stg_asana__project_task model

Table of tasks and the project(s) they each belong to. If a project doesn't have a task, it won't be in here (and vice versa)

columns: project_id, project_id columns: task_id, task_id Show -1 more
with base as ( select * from {{ ref('stg_asana__project_task_tmp') }} ), fields as ( select {{ fivetran_utils.fill_staging_columns( source_columns=adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('stg_asana__project_task_tmp')), staging_columns=get_project_task_columns() ) }} from base ), final as ( select project_id, task_id from fields ) select * from final

stg_asana__project model

Table containing all projects

columns: project_id, project_id columns: is_archived, is_archived columns: created_at, created_at Show 9 more
with base as ( select * from {{ ref('stg_asana__project_tmp') }} ), fields as ( select {{ fivetran_utils.fill_staging_columns( source_columns=adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('stg_asana__project_tmp')), staging_columns=get_project_columns() ) }} from base ), final as ( select id as project_id, archived as is_archived, cast(created_at as {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }}) as created_at, current_status, cast(due_date as {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }}) as due_date, cast(modified_at as {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }}) as modified_at, name as project_name, owner_id as owner_user_id, public as is_public, team_id, workspace_id, notes from fields ) select * from final

user_data seed

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_deleted, _fivetran_deleted columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 2 more

team_data seed

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_deleted, _fivetran_deleted columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 2 more

task_tag_data seed

columns: tag_id, tag_id columns: task_id, task_id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 0 more

task_section_data seed

columns: section_id, section_id columns: task_id, task_id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 0 more

task_follower_data seed

columns: task_id, task_id columns: user_id, user_id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 0 more

task_data seed

columns: id, id columns: assignee_id, assignee_id columns: completed, completed Show 11 more

tag_data seed

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_deleted, _fivetran_deleted columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 6 more

story_data seed

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced columns: created_at, created_at Show 7 more

section_data seed

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced columns: created_at, created_at Show 2 more

project_task_data seed

columns: project_id, project_id columns: task_id, task_id columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 0 more

project_data seed

columns: id, id columns: _fivetran_deleted, _fivetran_deleted columns: _fivetran_synced, _fivetran_synced Show 12 more
Show 244 more